Res Publica Foundation and the Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands have the pleasure to invite you to the conference “The State of the Third Sector in Poland”, to be held on September 25th, 2018 at the Embassy (Kawalerii 10, Warsaw).
As Polish civil society continually adapts and changes, new developments include the creation of the National Freedom Institute in 2017 and the launch of a long-term program for the development of civil society. These developments create an opportunity to consider the quality, sustainability, and effectiveness of Polish civil society, 100 years after Poland regained independence and almost 30 years after the fall of communism.
Among all others, during the discussions, we will try find answers to the following questions: Does Poland have a strong third sector at present? What are the successes achieved? How do state policies influence the readiness of citizens to play a role within civil society? Does the third sector successfully manage to play its role as watchdog? Are there areas in which Polish society needs a stronger voice and more effective organizations? Is the sector sustainable, or is there a need for extra support in some areas? Is there a need and should there be a room for foreign funding?
The conference will bring together all engaged civil society participants, including the representatives of non-governmental organizations, administration officials, CSR specialists, grant operators, academics, international partners and, last but not least, the citizens.
Whatever the conclusions of the discussion are, what can be stated in advance is that the role civil society plays in a democracy, providing the measure for checks and balances, can only be exercised through experience. Therefore, the test for governments is the openness for activities of civil society, and continued support and encouragement of their existence.
Discussions at the conference will be enriched by the presence of international speakers from partner countries and diplomats, therefore the conference will be held in English.
9:30-10:00 registration for public event and coffee
10:00-10:10 Welcome remarks:
10:10-10:30 Opening remarks:
10:30-11:30 Ambassadorial conversation on the 3rd sector landscape in represented countries
11:30-11:45 coffee break
11:45-13:00 Panel Session 1: Challenges and opportunities: self-sustainability of civic society organizations
13:00-13:45 networking lunch
13:45-15:00 Panel session 2: Myths and Realities of Civil Society: the role of civil societies
15:00-15:10 closing remarks
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