Introducing Deliberation in Public Opinion Research
Res Publica Nowa i Centrum Deliberacji IS UW zaprasza na seminarium pt. „Introducing Deliberation in Public Opinion Research”. Spotkanie rozpocznie wystąpienie prof. Roberta Chunga – dyrektora Public Opinion Programme (POP) na Uniwersytecie w Hong Kongu (45 min). Jako […]
Res Publica Nowa i Centrum Deliberacji IS UW zaprasza na seminarium pt. „Introducing Deliberation in Public Opinion Research”.
Spotkanie rozpocznie wystąpienie prof. Roberta Chunga – dyrektora Public Opinion Programme (POP) na Uniwersytecie w Hong Kongu (45 min). Jako pierwszy głos w dyskusji zabierze prof. Radosław Markowski – dyrektor Centrum Studiów nad Demokracją SWPS, ISP PAN.
Termin: 13 marca, godz. 16.00-18.00
Miejsce: Dawny BUW, s. 308
Seminarium odbędzie się w j. angielskim.
Wprowadzenie do tematyki seminarium przygotowane przez prof. Roberta Chunga: The Public Opinion Programme at the University of Hong Kong has been conducting public opinion surveys for 20 years, mostly by random telephone surveys, supplemented by other conventional methods. As we moved into the new era, POP has also developed various e-platforms like PopCon (an integrated Entertainment and Education platform) and PopVote (an online voting system) to engage the public. Currently POP is working on a big project of civil referendum to be held on March 23, 2012. However, people are often uninformed about key public issues, resulting in what some social scientists called „rational ignorance.” To address this problem, POP has advocated the use of Deliberative Polling (DP) in the region. If DP can be conducted on an e-platform, it would be another advancement.