Central European Dictionary of Political Concepts Project

The Central European Dictionary of Political Concepts is a new approach to political discourse in Central Europe. Gathering the work of scholars, writers and journalists, the dictionary works in two directions: providing analysis of terms […]

The Central European Dictionary of Political Concepts is a new approach to political discourse in Central Europe. Gathering the work of scholars, writers and journalists, the dictionary works in two directions: providing analysis of terms that are universal for modern politics, such as “the welfare state”, “totalitarianism”, “Left and Right”, “East and West”, and examining these concepts through the unique context provided by Central Europe. In short, it is not our intention to offer a complete dictionary, but rather to provide readers with a companion of short essays illustrating the political language of CE and its reference to universalized concepts. The authors of entries take into consideration local histories, but they never lose sight of parallels between particular regional experiences and the universal dimensions of modern politics.

There are eight sections. We begin with a cluster of concepts, attempting to clarify how specific regional terms translate into global public discourse (eg. Definining what is left and right on the political scene of CE, and determining how such distinctions ought to be understood beyond the region). At this early stage, our attention is focused on the four Visegrad countries, with necessary context provided by neighboring regions and countries. This call is an invitation to all those who think they are able to contribute to the topics specificed below. The aim of the conference is to have a peer review of texts that will later be published in a book – the Dictionary.We want to evaluate and describe main themes of the public debate and political narratives in Central Europe.

Place: BISLA, BratislavaDate: 24-26 July 2011Deadline for abstract: 22/04/2011Organizer: Res Publica Nowa journal, PolandEditor in chief: Wojciech Przybylski

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