Free Speech Partnership V4+

In 2012 have launched the final phase of the Free Speech Partnership program with generous support of the International Visegrad Fund. It has expanded the existing FSP network to new countries and journals in Central and Eastern Europe. Also read related stories

More information about the Free Speech Partnership program:

Implemented since 2009, the program aims at creating a network of opinion-making, intellectual, and cultural communities from the countries of the former Eastern Bloc. Under the project we work with editors of magazines both traditionally published in print and issued in a digital form, which ensure a high level of reflection on the world around us.

So far the program includes more than 50 editors. It has focused on deepening and fine-tuning the cooperation with magazines already in the network, and also on expanding our network to include magazines from the Baltic countries and independent newspapers in Russia. It became a collective voice on important issues relating to the international community.

Within the program we have six international conferences, which were attended by more than 60 editors from the Eastern Partnership countries and the Visegrad Group, as well as Austria, Germany and Russia. We have conducted seminars for editors from the Ukraine, Belarus and Moldova. We have published more than 20 texts, mainly in English, Polish and Russian, but some have also been translated into German and Italian.

Sponsored by (2009-2014):

  • RITA – a program of the Foundation for Education for Democracy
  • Google
  • International Visegrad Fund
  • Adam Mickiewicz Institute, Poland
  • Foundation for Polish-German Cooperation
  • Polish Institute in Kyiv